If you’re viewing this website, we’ve successfully moved to a new server. However, there may still be some issues, and something might be missing or not working properly. If you notice anything wrong, please don’t hesitate to email me.
Now that I am moved over, I’m finding many issues. If you have a website, be careful where you move. It seems that this new host wants to nickel and dime for everything. I have some work to do to get it all up to speed again.
I wanted to let you know that over the next few days, I’ll be moving all my websites to a new hosting provider. During this time, you might notice the sites are temporarily unavailable as the migration is completed.
This move is necessary due to rising hosting costs, and I’m working hard to ensure a smooth transition. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this process.
I’ll post an update once everything is back up and running.
No, I didn’t make a mistake. I’m not Artificial Intelligence. I’m Italian American. St. Francis Xavier Cabrini is well known among Italian Americans. We live in New England and the St. Cabrini Shrine is only a few hours away. So when I heard about the new movie Cabrini, I ware really excited and couldn’t wait to see it. Then there was the flurry of negative press on Facebook. Many people, including priests gave it really poor reviews.
Today, my mother and I finally had the chance to see it for ourselves. I think the movie was really, really good. The acting was superb. I think Cristiana Dell’Anna played the part really well. When she wanted to do something, she could put on that faccia brutea. Literally it means ugly face, but I was say a really tough face, like I’m not going to put up with this BS.
My grandparents, Henry & Antoinette Finelli came to the US as children.
The movie got to the heart of what Mother Cabrini was all about. She was a woman impelled by the Holy Spirt and nothing or no-one was going to stop her without good reason. What she suffered is what many of our ancestors suffered. I even remember being called guinea and dago. None of that really bothers me. But it was only a sign of the great suffering and persecution that my grandparents and great-grandparents went through.
But back to the movie. After seeing Cabrini, I really can’t figure out what some people have against it. Did they expect to see her on her knees in the chapel? Was it really necessary for Mother Cabrini to be praying the Divine Office and saying her Rosary to make the movie acceptable? I really didn’t need that for it to be a good movie. However, she was seen saying grace before a meal and her breviary was lying on her desk.
We all know that Mother Cabrini was a woman of prayer or she would not have had the fortitude to do what she did. I also didn’t see it as having a feminist agenda. If you didn’t know, Mother Cabrini was a woman. It wasn’t a story about a male saint. And the reality is, the men all did fight her. The Archbishop of NY was pretty nasty to her. And, he may have been intolerant of Italians. It is known that some bishops did hold prejudice against Italians. If he didn’t, he might have gone to the aid of the Italian immigrants, who did enter this country legally, by the way.
I know first hand the suffering my family and other Italian families encountered in this county. Yet, they became Americans who loved this nation and contributed a lot to it.
The Cabrini Movie is top rate and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to see a great Religious woman (in habit) who had the courage to make a difference even in the face of danger. So don’t let someone else tell you it’s a bad movie, decide for yourself!
Here is a newspaper article about my web design in the early days. The newspaper is from 1996. I spent many late nights, early mornings, typing all kinds of information not websites and using html. I started with a personal website, parish website, and the original diocesan website. So much has changed. Now I do it all the lazy way with WordPress. I like some of the changes but really dislike a lot of them. In those days there were few of us and only personal pages. No business had a website and when I stated building the diocesan website they thought I was crazy. “This is only a fad.” “In a few years the won’t be a World Wide Web.” They were all wrong. I’m are still here today with about a dozen websites. As I thought then, I still think now. We have to embrace technology for the spread of the Gospel. Unfortunately, liberals, heretics and perverts have also embraced it and now they control it. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”
I will carry you and your intentions to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass during this holiest of days. Below, some pictures of my trip to the Holy Land taken on January 17, 2020 in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
Venerating the place where our Lord’s body lay and from where he rose as Cardinal Burke celebrates Holy Mass.Outside the aedicule that contains our Lord’s holy sepulcher.
I’m just so tired of being ripped off for Laser Jet Toner. For years, I have been using HP Color LaserJet printers. And dread every time that flashing warning comes on telling me to replace one of the cartridges. It almost feels cheaper to replace the whole printer. At least you get the cartridges and the latest technology.
As I was doing some printing yesterday, my printer stoped printing and the warning started flashing “Change Magenta Cartridge.” And the led shows the other cartridges being closed to empty. Here we go again.
This time, I decided to go against the official warnings of the big tech companies. “Using toner from unauthorized sources can damage your printer.” At this point, I really don’t care. I’m tired of being held with the HP gun against my head. So I went to DuckDuck Go for suggestions. From there, I just went to Amazon. And after a lot of reluctance, I took the dive.
Normally, I just drive around the corner to Staples. It so convenient. You need ink right now, you come home with it in 15 minutes. Not this time! No, I’m not doing it.
Here is the comparison of prices:
Staples – 1 Black, 1 Cyan, 1 Magenta and 1 Yellow all for a low price of $573.00
The HP website is pretty much the same
Greensky Remanufactured (Amazon) – 2 Black, 1 Cyan, 1 Magenta and 1 Yellow for a topping $69.70 with overnight Prime shipping
(There were many other deals on Amazon)
Thank you Greensky! I’ll never go back to the big tech rip off. Here are a few pics.
Simple packaging.All 5 cartridgesHere is a printer text page. As good as the original.
For the past 8+ years, I have been dealing with a voice issue. I saw two local ENT’s, I have a voice therapist, physical therapist and have seen my own doctor. It was finally decided that I should go to Boston. Boston is the Mecca of medicine. They are known to have many of the best physicians in their fields. So, this past Thursday I made the trek to Mass Eye and Ear to see a laryngologist.
Many of you have been praying for me. And I want to share with you the doctor’s diagnosis. He said that I have dysphonia. Dysphonia is a rare condition that effects the voice, making it sound hoarse, rough, raspy, strand, weak, breathy or gravely. It can either gradual or sudden. It involves a problem with the vocal cords. There is no explanation of what causes this abnormality and there is currently no cure. However, it can be treated through injections and voice therepy.
I have been undergoing voice therepy for 8+ years. I will return to Boston for a followup evaluation and discuss options.
As I said, there is no permanent cure for dysphonia. However, God can work a miracle. And, my friend Eileen George needs miracles for her future cause (God willing).
Eileen George was a wife, mother of 8, grandmother and great grandmother. She was a woman who had many supernatural gifts that are the like of Padre Pio and Catherine of Siena. Eileen began attracting priests who sought her counsel as when she was in her early 30’s. Eventually, under obedience to her spiritual director Fr. Raphael Simon, and Bishops Bernard Flanagan and Timothy Harrington of the Diocese of Worcester, and the permission of her husband, Eileen was sent forth with a teaching ministry that lead her throughout the world. Her preaching was confirmed by countless healings and miracles. Eileen’s ministry continues today to promote Eileen’s teachings on God the Father and a return to the Sacraments.
I’m asking you to continue to pray for a healing of my voice through the intercession of Eileen George. If you would like more information about Eileen or a copy of the prayer, please visit our website.