HomeiPadre PodcastiPadre #163 – No Where To Go    


iPadre #163 – No Where To Go — 1 Comment

  1. Hi Father Jay! I just listened to the iPadre Podcast #163 and was particularly struck by your interview with Fr. Bill. His honesty around his early experience with confession and his subsequent discernment and the love he has for the Sacrament warmed my heart. Without sharing details, I too had one of those early experiences. After much fear, self-doubt and questioning I have developed the practice to receive the Sacrament of Reconcilliation as often as I can, sometimes weekly. For me it is, next to the Eucharist, the most beautiful gift given to us as individuals by Our Lord and I have found that the very real graces I receive from this sacrament, ministered by the confessor being Christ for me, provide me with strength to live the gospel and to keep my face turned to Our Lord.

    Thanks for all you do, both as podcaster and priest, you are in my prayers always. Your faithful listener, Mark from Philadelphia

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