iPadre #167 – St. Joseph’s Abbey
In this show, I take you with me on our final summer parish pilgrimage. I do a sound seeing tour of St. Joseph’s Abbey in Spencer, MA. St. Joseph’s is a Trappist monastery, one of the largest communities in the United States. They are known for their Trappist Preservers, vestments and incense. Come join me as we see the beauty of God’s grace in the hills of Spencer. I borrowed the picture for today’s episode from the Abbey’s blog, so please check it out!
– Music: “Start Over Again” by Darrell Smith
– St. Joseph’s Abbey – Spencer, MA
– Abbey Blog
– Holy Rood Guild
– Trappist Preserves
cast (at) iPadre (dot) net
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Hello Father Jay,
Thanks for hosting Patrick Madrid recently. I drove from Massachusetts.
Patrick’s presentations are so informative. I also like the fact that he stresses how our ego and emotion must be checked before any good defense of the church is made.
I’d like to propose a future topic for one of your podcasts. There is a medical phenemenon that I came across online when I was researching pro-life issues.
It is truly a phenemenon! Here is a link to an article about it:
The scientific term is microchimerism. If the link above does not work simply go to http://www.rosary.org and enter “women inherit” in the search box and this will bring up the article too. If I understand this correctly, in every normal pregnancy stem cells from the baby stay with the mother for her entire life. These are living cells that are still distinguishable as being the babies’ own cells for the rest of the life of the mother. Can you see the implications? This science points directly toward reasons for our Blessed Mother’s immaculate conception and her assumption. It at least would quiet all criticism of granting her the title of co-redemptrix. As you know even if microscopic cells of Jesus were always housed within Mary’s body our heavenly Father would never let her body suffer corruption. It also means that while our Lord was suffering on the cross some of Mary’s own stem cells were with him on the cross too. I have called EWTN about this and have never seen any evidence that they are interested in pursuing this. I am absolutely sure that this scientific information is as hot as it gets and may help win many souls. The secular media would have a nightmare wrestling with this if anyone ever pursued it the way it should be publicized. I think the only gift as great as this would be the Shroud of Turin! Of course I do understand that Mary’s pregnancy did not come about in the usual manner but if her pregnancy included all the characteristics of other pregnancies this merging of the divine with the creatureliness(is that a word?)of our spotless mother is more beautiful than anyone could have possibly imagined.
I hope to see you on Sunday for the movie.
God Bless You,
Joe Monty