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What has become of us? — 2 Comments

  1. We need more priests wearing cassocks on a daily basis. The clerical suit makes clergy more in touch with the world and less “set apart” i.e. less sacred. Not only is America dressing more and more casually, but so are priests. People nowadays take a more “whatever” attitude towards everything and those poor morals are reflected in the way they dress. So we get nuns and priests in pants when they should be in habit and cassock. You can see how much respect someone has for him/herself and others (including God) in the way they dress. Proper gentlemen wear tie to Mass and ladies a veil, but now people insist on dressing casually, which goes hand in hand with practicing the faith casually.

  2. I’ve actually had a few photos ruined by people (usually teenagers) who didn’t feel the need to dress appropriately for Mass. When I was confirmed last year, there was a kid wearing sneakers, a hoodie, and khaki shorts – slouched down in the pew, no less, right in the front row – who you can see in the background of just about every picture that was taken. I’m not trying to judge, but it really annoyed me that there I am all dressed up (the whole outfit bought just for the day) and there’s a kid in the background who looks like he’s just stumbled out of bed.

    I have to say that my priest has gotten much better about wearing his collar. I only expect to see the cassock a couple of times a year (usually Christmas and Easter), but it really is an improvement that he’s actually wearing a collar at all now. I gave him a pair of cufflinks last year to provide incentive for at least dressing up the suit a little with French cuffs. And I must say, it is hard to expect the parish priests to wear cassocks when the archbishop and auxiliary bishop are not often seen in theirs.

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