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Priestly Obedience — 2 Comments

  1. This is a very timely topic. We’re hearing a lot of dissenting talk in our parish lately, in the bulletin and in the homilies, because of the upcoming changes in the missal. It is so heartbreaking! I would think that obedience would be much easier than dissent, but, unfortunately, there are many who think otherwise. I recently read a quote from Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan that gets right to the point…The Church needs intelligent minds to carry the love of God to every part of the world. Yet the Church also suffers and is disturbed by the division and confusion caused by those whose intelligence is accompanied by arrogance and conceit. The fallen angels behaved in just this way.

  2. I believe that 90% of our priests, if not more, are good and faithful, but there are about 10% out there who are disobedient, even criminal, and they tend to get the attention of the media and give the good & faithful servants a bad name, and that is unfortunate. Keep up the good work, Father, we appreciate you!

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