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Gay marriage is inevitable? — 5 Comments

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  2. my heart gets sick.. until when Catholics are going to continue be call Catholics when they do not believe in the Sacrament of Matrimony, or they are pro-choice? What Jesus would say to all of us to see us so divided and some of us do not care to follow his Commandments?

  3. While The Church goes after gay marriage are they not promoting what is the hatred of gay’s and deaths of people like Mathew Shepherd? Homosexuality was so prevalent in Christ time how do we know he didn’t bless same sex couples. I pray for those who go to such length’s to judge others. For one day they will be judged.
    True they are not producing more Catholics, which is about the only reason most religions fight it so much. But all were made in God’s image.
    Peace and be well.

  4. Where are our bishops!!!! They need to DEMAND that the priests talk about this stuff. Silence on contraception, abortion, same sex unions, homosexuality, pornography, etc., etc., etc., will continue to contaminate Christ’s Church until our leaders put a stop to it and stop these so-called Catholics from going to communion. This is a scandal and we need to put our very lives on the line to protect the Eucharist like in days of old which made saints. Perhaps we need a Catholic Tea Party like a friend said to me recently. But, who could lead to keep everyone faithful? “Jesus, I trust in You” His plan will emerge and we must remain open to listening.

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