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Fr. Pfleger threatens to abandon the Catholic Church — 6 Comments

    • I warned Cardinal George this would happen a few years ago! The Cardinal let Pfleger walk all over him for years. Pfleger did the black community wrong by creating a “style” of mass, as he calls it, that only exists because he is the only one there. What happens when he retires or dies? Then there in for a culture shock! What he calls mass is far from the real thing or Vatican approved!

  1. Met him once. He is a very gifted orator. He can lead many to Christ and the Catholic Church if he uses his gifts to do the Will of God. I hope he awakens to your comment and those of all good priests!
    God bless your efforts Fr. Jay. Catholics, me include, are drawn to priests like you! (And there are many)

    Bob D’Aurelio
    The Paul’s Men Podcast

  2. Thank you Fr, Jay for your fidelity to God and His Chruch. May God have mercy on us all.
    Keep up your excellent work, you are in my family’s prayers.Thank you for being a Priest forever.

  3. Fr. Pfleger is a man of God and serves God by serving man. The poorest and disenfranchised of the human family. He is not heretical at all in his ministry. He is at war. Fr. Pfleger is at war against injustice, bigotry, poverty and evil in all it’s forms on Earth. The same things Jesus Christ was against. The same things that the body of Christ; the Church pronounces it is against. Being a former seminarian and a “reclaimed” Catholic, I have witnessed some members of the clergy who are not as committed and dedicated to matters affecting the poor and disenfranchised (to a large degree Fr. Pfleger brought me back to the church I was raised in). I have also witnessed the “politics” of the church. There are priests who “preach” with no action behind their words. Fr. Pfleger takes action in deeds and words. Politics has no place in the Church and once the Church understands that it will do a better job living in action the challenge given to it by Jesus Christ. The Church and all people,especially in the city of Chicago is best served keping Fr. Pfleger in place at St. Sabina. Tuus in Christi caritate!

    • I would never say that Father does not faithfully serve the poorest of the poor, but something is wrong when any priest is disobedient and preaches heresy. We faithfully serve Christ when we are obedient!

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