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Health Update #5 — 6 Comments

  1. Hi Jay I had a wedding on Saturday and someone from your parish attended the Mass and let me know you were not feeling well. Please be assured of my prayers for a full recovery. Hopefully by our 21st anniversary you will be up and running the parish again.



  2. Fr. Finelli

    Wonderful news to hear you were released. Praise be to God! Loved hearing your podcast on ‘Suffering’ that you live recorded from the hospital. It has been very inspiring to see that even in your sickness you are still the faithful and loving servant of Christ. May Our Lord who is the ultimate physician continue to fully restore your health!

    In Christ through Mary
    Jamie Delehant

  3. Fr. Finelli,

    Rest assured you are being prayed for daily, both for healing & in your vocation as a priest.

    Pax et gaudium!

    Fairfax, Va

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