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Mass of Christian Burial: Ecclesial crisis on display — 6 Comments

  1. Pingback:Mass of Christian Burial: Ecclesial crisis on display - CATHOLIC FEAST - Every day is a Celebration

  2. I am definitely not a fan of the whole “celebration of life” language. For one person at my parish, that was the whole motif around the liturgies. In preaching the homily, I spoke about the true celebration of life found in Jesus Christ, the life found in Baptism and pointed to by the pall and the sprinkling, the life in the Eucharist, and the hope for eternal life in God’s presence. I didn’t tell anyone they were “wrong”, but I entirely recast the celebration of life as centered in Christ.

  3. As a layperson, I agree with your perspective completely. I have been to many funerals where the priest assures the family that the deceased person is surely in heaven. The people in attendance learn from the message that anyone gets to heaven just by being ‘good’ and that there are no consequences. I am very thankful that I have a very orthodox and holy Pastor at our parish.

  4. Thank you Father, for your wonderful blog on “Mass of Christian Burial”. I have an older sister who is a minister for a Hospice organization and she, many times, participates in the burial masses of her clients. She is a very conscience catholic who could benefit from this blog. Therefore, I have passed it along to her for her information. Glad to see your on the mends!
    Love and Prayers always…….K

  5. When my husband died a few months ago, his funeral Mass was celebrated in the Extraordinary Form. The priest asked for those in attendance to pray for him.

    When we die, if we are in the state of grace, we have to make a stop in purgatory to make amends for our past life. It is a cleansing process before we enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

    It’s similar to a young boy breaking his neighbor’s window. The neighbor forgives the boy (confession) but the boy must make restitution by repairing the window (purgatory).

    In order to enter Heaven we must be in a perfect state, which is achieved by our stay in purgatory.

    That is why it is so important to pray for the deceased soul to reduce the amount of time they spend in purgatory. Having Masses said for their intention and saying the rosary for them every day is any excellent way to do this.

    ‘Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen’

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