Pope Francis’ Interview
Since Pope Francis gave an interview to an Italian Journalist “Antonio Spadaro, S.J., editor in chief of La Civiltà Cattolica, the Italian Jesuit journal,” the news media is set aflame. There are articles and web posts with quotes and misquotes, what Pope Francis said and what he meant to say, where he is moving the Church and what he intends to do. I must say, it is best not to read all of the rags like the NY Times for what the Pope appeared to say. They manage to quote him and so many others, out of context. But first, read the original article, printed in American Magazine. Someone left a comment asking if I had “Any comments on the popes interview.” I’m sure many of you are asking questions about the interview. After you read the article, go over to my good friend Fr. John Zuhlsdorf’s blog and see his commentary on the interview. Fr. Zuhlsdorf has two posts, (so far) on the interview. Fr. Z always has very clear commentary and he cuts through the clutter and gets to the point. “First thoughts about the Francis Interview” and “Pope Francis’ comments on homosexuality in the Big Interview.”
The pope hit the nail on the head
I can’t help but read and re-read this article. It’s incredible. He doesn’t change church teaching or oppose it. Don’t know what the big fuss is. The church is a field hospital! A woman who has an abortion should be welcomed back into the church! There are many issues other than contraception! Go to confession! This is a watershed moment for the church. God bless pope francis.