Happy New Year!
To all my listeners, readers of the blog and those who stumble upon this page! May our Lord fill you with His riches blessings and our Blessed Mother intercede for your a multitude of graces!
Continue reading →To all my listeners, readers of the blog and those who stumble upon this page! May our Lord fill you with His riches blessings and our Blessed Mother intercede for your a multitude of graces!
Continue reading →I received the following eMail from a friend. His point is well taken. And I suggest that all of us, bishops, priests, religious and laity take a serious look at who we are and what we are about. Does the … Continue reading →
Here is a post on Bishop Tobin’s Facebook Page. The caption reads: “A Merry Christmas to all from Bishop Tobin & Molly”
Continue reading →To all of you who listen to my podcast, read the blog or just happen upon this page a very Merry Christmas, filled with an abundance of His grace. You were all remembered in my Christmas Masses.
Continue reading →Advent is almost over and the celebration of Our Lord’s birth is near at hand. In this episode, we are going to talk about the Virginity of Mary, because it’s so important to know who He is and what He … Continue reading →
Thank you Bishop Tobin!
Continue reading →Whenever I offer Mass in the Extraordinary Form, I am struck by the great contrast in the Offertory Prayers. As we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Sacrosanctum Concilium, I wonder if this was a change made “in light of sound … Continue reading →
Are you gearing up? Here is a great video to inspire you and wet your appitite.
Continue reading →In this episode, we’ll talk about the three comings of Christ and how they relate to us, and we have another Mary Moment. – “Journey Home” by Chris Godber – cast (at) iPadre (dot) net– Feedback line: (267) 31-Padre (267) … Continue reading →
On December 3rd, I had the blessing of celebrating the first Traditional Latin Mass at Our Lady of Good Help, Mapleville, Rhode Island since the changes in 1970. Photos taken by Marc Garrepy [nggallery id=4]
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