How long before Holy Mother Church sees the problem?
UPDATE: (5/12/14) One person wrote that the Satinists have stated that they will not be using a consecrated host. Do you really believe them? I don’t since they follow the father of lies. You can bet you highest dollar that they will create a sacrilege today. Pray, do penance and offer sacrifices in reparation for this great outrage.
(This took me quite a while to get out since I have been without internet since Saturday afternoon.)
You may have heard already that a group in Harvard plans to hold a “Black Mass”, using a Consecrated Host. The following was written by Elizabeth Scalia, a magnificent blogger over at Patheos. Here is part of her post:
Following up on this post, I have made a couple of phone calls to the The Cambridge Queen’s Head where Madelyn, an events manager, first promised to “research this”, saying that her computers were down. During a subsequent conversation, sounding very flustered, she and told me she had no comment to offer at the moment. Confirming that she is the Events manager, she promised a response later today.
She did confirm to another caller that the Harvard Cultural Exchange is having an event there, on May 12.
UPDATE: I just spoke to Priya Dua, PR director for The Satanic Temple and she has confirmed that yes, they have obtained and will use a Consecrated Host during this “re-enactment”. She is hopefully putting me in touch with someone who will answer my questions about how the Host was obtained, what they think they’re doing by using a Consecrated, as opposed to unconsecrated Host, and more.
Read the rest of Elizabeth’s post .
So, to my point. This stuff happens much more than you think. Remember back when someone was stealing while they videotaped it, did something sacrilegious to the Host and posted the videos on Youtube? I can’t tell you how many times priest friends and I have found hosts in missalettes, under pews, spit outside the church, or people we have chased up the aisle who had not received and either carried the host away or placed it in their pockets.
I wish the group of 8 Cardinals would read and meditate on “Dominus Est – It is the Lord!” by The Most Reverend Athanasius Schneider. Do we believe that Jesus Christ is present in the Sacred Host or do we not?
Some of you are probably saying: “But Father, if you only taught people how to receive, they would receive properly!” That just is not true. I have been pastor for 12 years and have preached about proper reception more than one time a year in those 12 years. For some people, it is as if I had never mentioned anything. Those are my “good”, every Sunday crew. What most people don’t take into account is the visitor who has not been to church in the last 2, 5, 10, 35, 50 + years and those who never go, but come to every funeral and wedding that takes place in every parish throughout the world.
To be quite frank, I am sick and tired of seeing Our Lord abused. Liturgical abuse never seems to enter into some people’s minds. And those it does are accused of being “rigid rubricists”. Enough of the bull dung (S***) and let’s get real. This is the real world. Most of us are not saints by any stretch of the imagination. We all have a broken sinful human nature. And there are some who have evil intentions. We need to be lead like the sheep we are. It’s time to go back to receiving Holy Communion as Pope Benedict XVI taught us by his humble example – kneeling and on the tongue!
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