New book on marriage an essential
As we prepare for the upcoming Synod, there is a great new book coming out in English by Ignatius Press: “Remaining in the Truth of Christ + Marriage and Communion in The Catholic Church.” I think this is an essential for every priest, seminarian and lay person who wants to know the Church’s teaching on this beautiful gift.
We are hearing so much about marriage. What it is and what it is not. Since there was talk of the Synod, bloggers have been blogging. Some has been good and some has been pretty bad. There is nothing worse than someone who has a little information and think they know it all.
The following Cardinals and theologians provided chapters:
• Paul Mankowski, S.J.
• John M. Rist
• Archbishop Cyril Vasil’, S.J.
• Walter Cardinal Brandmuller
• Gerhard Ludwig Cardinal Muller
• Carlo Cardinal Caffarra
• Velasio Cardinal De Paolis, C.S.
• Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
You can learn more about this book on Fr. Z’s Blog. Here is a taste:
Today in the liberal Italian daily Corriere della sera there is an article about the forthcoming book Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church (in English by Ignatius Press HERE – UK link HERE). The books is being rolled out in Italian soon and so the daily jumped on it.
As a matter of fact, this is why – I think -the news of Card. Burke reassignment was leaked. I digress.
I didn’t expect a good presentation by Corriere, but it was remarkably fair. The best part about it is that, unexpectedly, it stuck to the issues and quoted exactly the right bits from the introductory chapter by the editor, Fr. Robert Dodaro. I’ve read nearly the whole book, by the way.
Corriere‘s headline faltered badly in a couple respects:
«No alla comunione ai divorziati» … “No to Communion for the divorced”
Cinque cardinali contro le aperture … “Five Cardinals against openings” (like saying opening up to the “divorced”)The problem isn that the Church says that the “divorced” can’t receive Communion. They can. If, however, they are not in the state of grace, they can’t, just like everyone else. If the divorced subsequently get a civil marriage, that’s a problem. And it isn’t as if the Cardinals are “closed” to “openings”. They, however, are defending Catholic doctrine. That is what this fight is really going to be about.
Go read the whole post here.
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