Christmas in Harvard Square
Christmas in Harvard Square
The Boys of St. Paul’s Choir School
The Boys of St. Paul’s Choir School will lift your heart and soul up to heaven. This is sacred music at it’s very best. Last year, I had the privilege of attending a Solemn High Mass celebrated by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf. Music for the Mass was provided by the boy’s choir. It was magnificent.
St. Paul’s is the only Catholic boys choir school in the US. The Choir School has recently celebrated its 50th anniversary and has inked a global recording deal with AimHigher/Decca/Universal Classics and is releasing their heartfelt debut international album entitled Christmas in Harvard Square. It will make the perfect gift for Christmas – putting Christ in Christmas!
The video gives a glimpse into the beauty of the Boys Choir and the effect it is having on the lives of the boys and their families. Not only will this album give aid to your spiritual life, but the purchase this recording helps the The Choir School with their many funding needs.
I often get eMails asking: “Why can I get my priest for Christmas?” This is a perfect gift for your priest or anyone else on your list.
To purchase this album, visit:
how can I purchase a cd of the christmas in harvard square?