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What the Church should do Immediately regarding annulments! — 8 Comments

  1. Maybe this priest was tactless to charge a fee right up front, but the fact is that the amount quoted doesn’t even begin to cover the actual costs involved in managing a nullity case. Ten times the amount wouldn’t cover the costs of some cases. Maybe encourage a donation? I don’t know the answer, but I do know that the Church can’t afford to pay canon lawyers and other staff without charging some sort of fee, or encouraging some contribution, to recover some of the expenses.

  2. I knew of a Church that charged a “sacramental fee” when a child was going to be confirmed (“to cover expenses”), and they included “donation” envelopes in their Baptismal prep materials. Unwise, tacky, etc.

  3. I’m totally on board with this! The souls of people are at stake here. What happened to “Offer the Gospel free of charge”?

  4. I had heard on Catholic Answers quite a while ago that there usually was no charge for the annulment process. Perhaps not the same in all dioceses?

  5. You are right on target, Fr. Jay. There have been many times when I could say I’m proud of the priest that you are. Keep up the wonderful work of The Lord.

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