Monthly Archives: December 2014
Merry Christmas!
I wish to you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas! May you experience the love and mercy of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I will remember you in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on Christmas.
Continue reading →2014 SQPN Podcast Marathon
It’s that time of the year again! Unfortunately, I will not be available to be part of it this year, but we have a great lineup of podcasters. So join in the fun! Help us reach our fundraising goal by … Continue reading →
Indiana Bones – Raiders of the Lost Bark
Review: Saint Isaac Jogues Illuminated Missal
In the period following the liturgical reform of Vatican Council II, the Church has suffered from the use of cheap and unattractive worship aids. The old adage, “Lex credendi, lex orandi,” can also be applied to our Liturgical books. Constant … Continue reading →
Advent is not over!
We are in the time of the “O Antiphons.” This is the final push as we prepare for the Feast of Our Lord’s Nativity. The Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph are on their way to Bethlehem. We can almost … Continue reading →
The “O” Antiphons- Advents final push
Our final Advent preparation is upon us. The Feast of Our Lord’s Birth of is about to dawn. The “O” Antiphons are part of the Church’s liturgical tradition in the final days of Advent. They present seven of the Messiah’s attributes from … Continue reading →
The Divine Office App
When I pray the Divine Office, I prefer to hold a book in my hands and get away from technology. Yet, I still love my Divine Office App. There are times that you don’t want to lug that big book … Continue reading →
Advent & Christmas Window Candles
During Advent and Christmas, there is a tradition of having candles in the windows of our homes. Most people no longer know the reason for this beautiful tradition. Today, candles are seen in some windows throughout the entire year. This … Continue reading →
Gaudete Sunday
The 3rd Sunday of Advent is known as Gaudete Sunday. The name comes from the opening work of the Introit from the Mass: Gaudete in Domino semper: iterum dico gaudete. Modestia vestra nota sit omnibus hominibus: Dominus enim prope est. … Continue reading →