Advent is not over!
We are in the time of the “O Antiphons.” This is the final push as we prepare for the Feast of Our Lord’s Nativity. The Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph are on their way to Bethlehem. We can almost feel Christmas, it is so close at hand. The time of His birth draws near.
But, let us not allow these last days of Advent to escape our grasp. Meditate more intensely on the sacred mystery of the Annunciation, the visits of the angels and the journey of the Holy Family to Bethlehem. As Our Lady prepared the stable for Our Lord’s birth, prepare your heart and soul for a new birth within.
Sweep out the cobwebs of your soul, dust off the furniture, wash the windows, sweep and wash the floor. Prepare the temple of your soul for the Son of God – GO TO CONFESSION. And “Open wide the doors to Christ.”
I love my Nativity scene. From the time I was a little boy until now, this has always been my favorite “decoration.” Setting up our manger filled me with excitement. Here are two shots of my Nativity Scene. There are still many people not present. Maybe some day I’ll take them all out and build a big village like they do in Italy.
The first picture shows the Virgin and St. Joseph on their way.