Breviarium Romanum
Look what arrived yesterday!
I have been using the Baronius version for a while now, but it is very big. It’s not the kind of book you want to travel with. So, I just got the one published by Nova & Vetera. The Baronius version of the Roman Breviary is very beautiful. It comes in three volumes. The one drawback is that each of the three volumes measures in at about 4-3/4″ x 7-1/4″ x 1-7/8″. The Nova & Vetera is in two volumes and measures in at about 4-1/2″ x 7-1/16″ x 1-1/8″. That is a difference of 3/4″. That extra 3/4″ in thickness and an extra volume account to the English text along with the Latin typical. Both beautiful Breviaries. Have a look at the Nova & Vetera.
I love the Divine Office. I use the 4-volume Breviary, but in our Morning Prayer Group we use the Christian Prayer, which isn’t as comprehensive as the 4-volume. In any case, the Divine Office is a real conversation with God. Prayer and Praise allow one to feel God’s presence in a beautiful way.
How much $$ ?
198 Euro
Is the font size smaller in the Nova & Vetera version than the Baronius? Is that why it has smaller overall dimensions?
No, the text appears to be the same size. I think it is because of the English translation in the Baronius version.
I absolutely love it when you get something new and share it with us. Your like a kid in a candy store. It’s so delightful.?
i wish BP (or a blogger) would print an Ordo. It’d be nice to know you’re praying the right pages. I use, but it’s cumbersome.
Fr, do you find you have enough time in the day to pray all 8 offices? I find the prayers rich, but I could never pray all of it. Seems a shame that Catholics wanting to pray the Office have to choose between the Overload of Magnificence (EF) and the Dreariness of Imminence (OF).
Id love for you to do a post on your experiences with the Breviary and the Liturgy of the Hours. There’s so little out there to guide Catholics wanting……more.
On a day like today, it takes about 1-3/4 hours to pray the whole office according to the Breviaries Romanum. The little hours don’t take much time at all. Matins is the longest hour. It takes literally about an hour, depending on the feast.