From my altar to your home, Merry Christmas!
I will remember you and your loved ones at Mass on Christmas!
Continue reading →I will remember you and your loved ones at Mass on Christmas!
Continue reading →Many people think of Christmas as looking on a cute little baby in a hay strewn manger, surrounded by Mary, Joseph, animals and the shepherds and everything is just so cute and cozy. In my homily for the 4th Sunday of … Continue reading →
What is in store for us after we die? Is there really a hell, a purgatory? In this episode, I share a talk given in my parish by my friend Fr. Thomas Kocik. I finally manage to fix a hum … Continue reading →
Tota pulchra es, Maria. Et macula originalis non est in Te. Tu gloria Ierusalem. Tu laetitia Israel. Tu honorificentia populi nostri. Tu advocata peccatorum. O Maria, O Maria. Virgo prudentissima. Mater clementissima. Ora pro nobis. Intercede pro nobis. Ad Dominum … Continue reading →
Holy Ghost Church in Tiverton, RI will host a Solemn Mass in the Traditional Roman Rite December 8th – 5:00 pm The Rev’d Father Jay A. Finelli Celebrant The Rev’d Father Thomas Kocik Deacon The Rev’d Father Neil Roy Subdeacon … Continue reading →
Something that has almost universally disappeared over the years is the Communion Paten or plate. I do not even remember the use of the Communion Paten at my 1st Communion in May of 1969. Change had already come to St. … Continue reading →