iPadre Special
Merry Christmas! From: Fr. Jay Finelli The iPadre Catholic Podcast iPadre.net
Continue reading →Merry Christmas! From: Fr. Jay Finelli The iPadre Catholic Podcast iPadre.net
Continue reading →This episode is the second in a four episode series that I did as a parish mission on ad orientem for a priest friend of mine. Today, we talk about Active Participation. I also talk briefly about the “O” Antiphons. – FrF (at) iPadre (dot) net … Continue reading →
The Second Vatican Council’s first document, Sacrosanctum Concilium was on the Sacred Liturgy. In it, the Council Fathers wrote: Finally, there must be no innovations unless the good of the Church genuinely and certainly requires them; and care must be taken … Continue reading →
What falls faster without resistance, a feather or bowling ball? Galileo was correct in the 15th century, but didn’t have the equipment to prove it. If you have NASSA’s vacuum chamber, you can prove what Galileo did without the chamber.
Continue reading →In this episode, I begin a four episode series that I did as a parish mission on ad orientem for a priest friend of mine. Today, we ask the question: What is the Liturgy? If you are going to talk … Continue reading →
St. Nicholas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nicholas, Santa Nicolas, Santa Nicolas, Santa Claus… Old St. Nic So, Old St. Nick is famous. Not only for his good deeds, but for a good fight with the heretic priest Arius. And here is … Continue reading →