A comes before C
Go into many of the stores and the Christmas decorations are up. Trees, decorations, strings of lights and everything else you need to celebrate the birth of Our Savior are now on the shelves. There are radio stations dedicated to solely Christmas songs and others that have Christmas songs peppered throughout their regular programing. While in line for the checkout at Ocean State Job Lot, I overheard a conversation between two women. One of the women bragged about her tree and other decorations that were up by the first weekend of November. In the background, I could hear the faint sound of Christmas songs over the store’s sound system. All of it is just sickening, because when Christmas arrives, we will have had enough and want it to be over. On December 26th, the sidewalks will be filled with trees that were taken down, because “Christmas is over.” But as the song goes: “We’ve only just begun.”
Let’s all follow the Church’s liturgical calendar and celebrate Advent, so that when Christmas comes, we will celebrate the great Feast with true faith. Remember A comes before C! Share the image below. Use it on your Facebook and Twitter pages. You can even place it on your blog.
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