I have a diagnosis… where to go from here?
For the past 8+ years, I have been dealing with a voice issue. I saw two local ENT’s, I have a voice therapist, physical therapist and have seen my own doctor. It was finally decided that I should go to Boston. Boston is the Mecca of medicine. They are known to have many of the best physicians in their fields. So, this past Thursday I made the trek to Mass Eye and Ear to see a laryngologist.
Many of you have been praying for me. And I want to share with you the doctor’s diagnosis. He said that I have dysphonia. Dysphonia is a rare condition that effects the voice, making it sound hoarse, rough, raspy, strand, weak, breathy or gravely. It can either gradual or sudden. It involves a problem with the vocal cords. There is no explanation of what causes this abnormality and there is currently no cure. However, it can be treated through injections and voice therepy.
I have been undergoing voice therepy for 8+ years. I will return to Boston for a followup evaluation and discuss options.
As I said, there is no permanent cure for dysphonia. However, God can work a miracle. And, my friend Eileen George needs miracles for her future cause (God willing).
Eileen George was a wife, mother of 8, grandmother and great grandmother. She was a woman who had many supernatural gifts that are the like of Padre Pio and Catherine of Siena. Eileen began attracting priests who sought her counsel as when she was in her early 30’s. Eventually, under obedience to her spiritual director Fr. Raphael Simon, and Bishops Bernard Flanagan and Timothy Harrington of the Diocese of Worcester, and the permission of her husband, Eileen was sent forth with a teaching ministry that lead her throughout the world. Her preaching was confirmed by countless healings and miracles. Eileen’s ministry continues today to promote Eileen’s teachings on God the Father and a return to the Sacraments.
I’m asking you to continue to pray for a healing of my voice through the intercession of Eileen George. If you would like more information about Eileen or a copy of the prayer, please visit our website.

Please Eileen help Father Jay as we all continue to pray.🌹
Prayers for your healing Fr. Bless you.
We will.keep praying Fr.
Prayers for Eileen George’s intercession for Father Jay Finalli complete healing. Amen
Eileen please intercede for Fathers healing. In Jesus name I pray.
Praying for your healing, yours is a strong clear voice for the Church that the Evil One wants silenced. Through the intercession of Eileen George may you have a full recovery.