iPadre Live Stream computer down… Please help!

Original white MacBook
Update (5/20/16): Thank you for your generous donations. The new MacBook Air i literally in the air on the way from China.
- J & T D for $1,000
- SB for $100
- SN for $100
I would also like to update the cameras if anyones interested donating, you can find the camera here.
Since we began streaming over 9 years ago, there have been over 74,495 views. We started off with Sunday Mass and Holy Hours. One of the most popular events was my first celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. I began by setting up a MacBook Pro and HiDef video camera each week. With all of the glitches and setup time, it was a major work of love. I always hoped that some techies would come along to help in the project, but it never happened. Finally, I decided to purchase one of those white MacBooks and permanently install webcams in the church. Some people told me it was impossible, because they could only be placed so far from the computer. Wrong. I installed three cameras. One is about 150′ away from the computer.
Long story short is, the old MacBook has passed on to better pastures. When I went in to turn the stream on last weekend, It just would not boot. I tried every Mac trick in the book, but she is dead.
I would like to continue streaming for all those who find this an aid to their spiritual life. I would also like to be able to stream Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s talk and Mass. I think that I could do it with a MacBook Air with flash drive.
I’m looking for:
- 11″ MackBook Air
- 2.2 GHZ Dual_Cor Intel Core i7
If you would like to donate this new MacBook Air, or something towards it, please send me an email.
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Thank you so much for
(Upon completion, I will celebrate Mass for the benefactors)
Links to the stream:

iPadreTV simulation
I will send you some money if you provide me with the address and who to make the check payable to via email. Please also tell me how I can get the schedule of the streaming services well ahead of time so I can plan my calendar accordingly.