Is the Breviary outdated?
Is the Breviary outdated? It goes by many names, the Breviary, the Divine Office, the Liturgy of the Hours and I’m sure if we search there are more. The Breviary are the official prayers of the Church, an integral part of the full Liturgy of the Church. Daily recitation of the Divine Office is require of those in Holy Orders and most Religious. It is made of of antiphons, Psalms, readings, prayers and intercessions. The Breviary has been around in one form or another for centuries. Originally, the Divine Office was copied by hand by monks in old damp monasteries.
So back to my original question, is the Breviary outdated? I actually only used this question to get your attention. But are the bound books of the Liturgy of the Hours outdated? Thanks to Father Paolo Padrini, the Liturgy of the Hours is an app on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. That’s right! In 2008, Fr. Padrini created an app called iBreviary. The iBreviary was a great little app on the iPhone, but now it has become so much better.
Say hello to iBreviaryPro – the new and improved iBreviary, and it’s free. Let me say that again, it’s FREE! A few weeks ago, Fr. Paolo gave a notice on the app that it would be unavailable for a week or so as it was being updated to iBreviaryPro.
The new iBreviaryPro is all that the old app was and more. Since I began my vacation almost a week ago, I haven’t picked up my Breviary. Don’t get me wrong. I haven’t picked up my Breviary, but I have picked up my iPad to use iBreviaryPro.
The new version of iBreviaryPro, like it’s old counterpart iBreviary has the five hours of the Breviary, yet the new version also contains the prayers and readings of the Mass, a set of devotional prayers and the Missal which contains the order of the Mass. The new app also contains a button for preferences within iBreviaryPro.
Under the “More” button, you will find the settings for Language, Font Size and even choose from the Office of the “Last 10 Days”.
The new iBreviaryPro is a must have for anyone who prays the Divine Office. I give this revision a two thumbs up. One suggestion for a future update would be the ability to have not only the “Last 10 Days” but the “Upcoming 10 Days”. That would be helpful when one is on vacation without an internet connection.
Thank you Fr. Paolo Padrini and crew!
To get your copy of iBreviaryPro, just click here.
Thank you Father. I got it. I did not know what that number next to “Apps” in my iTunes Library panel meant! Including iBreviary Pro, I had 15 updates! So, not only did you help be get the new iBreviary, you also showed me how to update all my apps!
Thanks and best regards,
Jesse Benton
Chatham, NJ
could you make this iBreviary available for Palm Pre?
that would be great!
Patrick, The iBreviary is not my app. Visit the official website: You can contact Fr. Paolo Padrini.
Could you tell me when the new updated version will be available with the word changed like they are now in the mass.
My ibrevery is outdated
Please help me with the update ones