Review of the movie – Saint Peter
From the movie Jesus of Nazareth to The Passion of The Christ, we all look for more. There is that desire to see the life of the Church following the Passion and death of Our Lord. The movie Saint Peter is what we have all been waiting for.
Saint Peter begins with Mary and John at the foot of the cross, just after the death of Jesus. The movie quickly turns to the one chosen by the Lord to lead His Church into the future. We are lead from the cross on Calvary, through the life of Peter and the early Church to Vatican Hill, where Peter was led to his own cross. The journey of a weak and sinful man who embraced God’s call and became a man of courage and heroism.
This is not a literal reading of the Acts of the Apostles, but the story of Peter, the Twelve and the other men and women who passed on the wealth of our Catholic faith founded by Christ on the Rock of Peter. “There is no greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
If you want to follow the story beyond the cross, through the life of Peter and to his death, this movie is for you.
You can purchase it from Ignatius Press.
st peter pray for our family live in holy faith