In the past I have been interviewed by both Catholic and secular media organizations, you can find the links on this page:
- Boston’s Catholic TV series “This Is The Day” – June 13, 2008
- Boston’s Catholic TV – online only, iCatholic interview about Catholic New Media Celebration
- “What’s this? A priestly worldwide…Podcast?” by Brian J Lowney, Assistant Editor
- “Catholics are urged to go on technology fast for Lent” by Tom Shevlin, Rhode Island Catholic Correspondent
- ABC 6 News Providence – interview
- “Rhode Island priest’s podcasts popular with Catholics, non-Catholics” CNS
- “Priests find great potential in use of new media” CNS
- Here is an article I just fell upon: MacMagazine (Brazil)
- Saints’ relics seen as giving Catholics connection to church’s heroes CNS by Laura Kilgus (The RI Catholic)
- Local Priest a leader in electronic evangelization (The Anchor News)
- Catholics in New Media: iPadre by Matthew Warner (National Catholic Register)
- Catholic TV’s “Going My Way” with Fr. Chris Hickey and Fr. Paul Rouse – January 3, 2011
- Worldwide Audience Connects To Tiverton’s iPadre by Linda Andread Rodrigues (Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch) – 1/29/2011
- Interview about New Media and Beauty & Liturgy on “This is the Day” at CatholicTV – December 9, 2011