It is only a few days since the suppression of public Masses went into effect. Yet, it already seems like it has been weeks. We are all accustomed to a good number of people at daily Mass. This will be the first Sunday in my diocese since there are no public Masses. How ironic that this Sunday is Laetare, the joyful Sunday of Lent. More on that in my sermon During my live streamed Mass on Sunday at 3:30 pm.
On Wednesday after reposing the Blessed Sacrament, I offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I found it to be extremely peaceful. Not every Mass is like that. Like everyone else, we priests also have distractions. When I reached the moment for my personal Communion, I was deeply moved thinking about everyone who could not receive the Lord. My soul was moved to plead with our Lord for an outpouring of graces and mercy. I asked that each one of you would know that He is with you even though you feel so far from Him in Holy Communion.
I encourage you during this time of involuntary fasting from the Panis Angelicus, that you use this opportunity to build up within you a holy desire. Make frequent Spiritual Communions through your day so that when the time comes that you are able once again to receive Him, it may be with Increased love, devotion and longing for the bridegroom of your soul.
Until then, know the I and countless other priests scattered throughout the world carry you to the altar of sacrifice and present you to The silent Victim who is consoled by the pain and longing in your souls.