Ad orientem - by whose authority?On occasion, I’m asked: “By whose authority can you say the Eucharistic Prayer facing the same direction as the congregation? What Pope said you could do this?”

Up until about 1965, this was a well established practice of the Church. If you were to ask a priest before the 70’s why he did not celebrate Mass ad orientem, he would have looked at you as if you had two heads. Offering the Eucharistic Prayer versus populum (facing the people) is more of an aberration to the sacred rite. It was something never envisioned by the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council, but one imposed by faulty historical analysis by Liturgists who desired to make our Mass more appealing to Protestants.

So, back to some authoritative source as for the practice of ad orientem worship. The custom in itself is authoritative. Mass was celebrated facing the east (ad orientem) for over 1,900 years. The eastern rites of the Catholic Church, along with our brethren in the Orthodox Church have never deviated from this ancient and venerable tradition.

Aside from this long standing practice, the very ritual of the Roman Rite, known as the Roman Missal assumes that priests are offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass ad orientem.

Rubrics are directions in Liturgical books on how the service is to be conducted. The word rubrics comes from the Latin word rubrica meaning red. There are two color types in the Roman Missal, red and black. Red informs the priest what he must do and black, what he must say.

Let me quote directly from the rubrics in the Roman Missal.

“The Priest and the faithful, standing, sign themselves with the Sign of the Cross, while the Priest, facing the people, says: In the name of the Father…”

“The Priest, standing at the altar, takes the paten with the bread and holds it slightly raised above the altar with both hands, saying in a low voice.”

Followed by:

“Standing at the middle of the altar, facing the people … he says: Prayer, brethren , that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God the almighty Father.”

“The Priest, turned towards the people, extending and then joining his hands, adds: The peace of the Lord be with you always.”

“The Priest genuflects, takes the host and, holding it slightly raised above the paten or above the chalice, while facing the people, says aloud: Behold the Lamb of God…”

“The Priest, facing the altar, says quietly: May the Body of Christ keep me safe for eternal life. And he reverently consumes the Body of Christ.”

“Then, standing at the altar or at the chair and facing the people, with hands joined, the Priest says: Let us pray.”

After the collect:

“The Priest, facing the people and extending his hands, says: The Lord be with you. … May almighty God bless you…”

A close reading of the rubrics of the Roman Missal clearly assumes the priest is facing the altar, except for the Liturgy of the Word, and those times where it reads “facing the people,” or “turned towards the people.”

Following the directives of the Roman Missal is the only authority a priest needs to celebrate Mass ad orientem. The rubrics and long standing tradition are the authoritative voice of the Church.

God bless,
 Fr. Finelli 


Ad orientem – by whose authority? — 8 Comments

  1. Pingback:So you want to heed Cardinal Sarah’s words, here’s how | iPadre Catholic Podcasting

  2. I would love to see this practice return. The problem isn’t the younger Catholics, but the 65 and older crowd. We can’t even get rid of bad music, the “rain down on me” variety without them screaming to high heaven.

  3. Pingback:Ad Orientem – by Whose Authority? | Courageous Priest

  4. Has anyone looked at the compass direction of St. Peter’s & St. John Lateran? The front of these churches face east, which means both congregation face west.

    • Yes, the altar is on the west end. However, in the past, during the Eucharistic prayer, the doors of the basilica would be opened as the sun was rising and the congregation would move from the nave to the side aisles and turn toward the east so they didn’t have their back to the Lord in the consecration, but together faced the east with the priest.

  5. Pingback:Ad Orientem – by Whose Authority? Having the Priest Face the Tabernacle |

  6. I was watching a favorite podcast last evening with 2 gents discussing this. I thank you so much for being a Courageous Priest! Please share this with everyone so that the Faithful will understand (not that it would be their preference but it isn’t about their or my preference. We really must stop the abuses to our Sacred Liturgy and adhere more closely to the rubrics of the council vs. loosey-goosey, do as you please lack of rubrics.) God bless you, Fr. Finelli!

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