Here are a few pictures and videos of Popes celebrating the Novus Ordo or Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite ad orientem. If you know of any other pictures or videos, please let me know!

The first picture is and undated Mass, celebrated by Pope John Paul II in the Sistine Chapel. Any priest who concelebrated at John Paul II’s daily Mass, as I did on 23 June 1992, knows that he always celebrated ad orientem in his private chapel.
Pope John Paul II - Ad Orientem - Sistine Chapel


Pope Benedict XVI created a media frenzy when he celebrated Mass ad orientemn on 13 January 2008 in the Sistine Chapel on the feast of the Baptism of The Lord.
Pope Benedict XVI celebrate Mass ad orientem 13 January 2008

The same Mass on Youtube.

Another feast of the Baptism of The Lord

Pope Francis celebrated Mass ad orientem on the altar of Blessed John Paul II, 31 October 2013.
Pope Francis celebrates Mass ad orientem 31 October 2013 on the altar of Blessed John Paul II

Pope Francis also celebrate ad orientem in the Sistine Chapel on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord 12 January 2014.
Pope Francis ad orientem 12 January 2014

This Mass on Youtube.

Check out my ad orientem information and brochures here.


Popes Celebrating “Ad Orientem” — 1 Comment

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