Palm Sunday
Here are a few pics from my 10:30 am Solemn Mass in the Ordinary Form. Blessing of Palms and Solemn Procession. My friend Fr. Thomas Kocik is concelebrant.
Continue reading →Here are a few pics from my 10:30 am Solemn Mass in the Ordinary Form. Blessing of Palms and Solemn Procession. My friend Fr. Thomas Kocik is concelebrant.
Continue reading →Look what arrived yesterday! I have been using the Baronius version for a while now, but it is very big. It’s not the kind of book you want to travel with. So, I just got the one published by Nova … Continue reading →
Today, we are going to talk about the Church’s Liturgical Year. I also talk a little bit more about polygamy. Do we have to believe in the miracles of the saints? – “Alma Redemptoris Mater” by St. Barnabas Anglican Church – … Continue reading →
During my time in Rome, I am staying at the Pontifical North American College. Today, the NAC 250 seminarians. I always enjoy my visits the to NAC. The seminarians are men of deep faith and have a great love for the … Continue reading →
A parishioner sent me this video that gives a comparison between the Novus Ordo and the Traditional Latin Mass. httpv://
Continue reading →In his latest installment of his bi-weekly article in The Rhode Island Catholic, my bishop, the Most Rev. Thomas Tobin shared his experience of visiting an Islamic school “My Visit to the Islamic School.” Bishop Tobin was impressed with the … Continue reading →
Recently there has been a lot of buzz about returning altar rails in the last few years. One of the latest blog post was by Deacon Greg Kandra over at the Deacon’s Bench. After the Second Vatican Council, altar rails … Continue reading →
In this episode, we talk about the Day of Evangelization, a great Catholic outreach to fallen away Catholics and those who have no knowledge of the Catholic Faith at all. We also talk about when to leave church. – Music: … Continue reading →
iPadre #216 – Sacred Music There is so much division among priests, laity and even Bishops on what music is appropriate for the Liturgy. What does the Church say about music in the Liturgy? In this episode I have an … Continue reading →
The Father’s of Vatican II called for “full, conscious and active participation” of the laity, during the celebration of the Liturgy. Active Participation is something most Catholics have heard of but, few truly understand. In this episode, we’ll talk about … Continue reading →